"..do NOT get to breakdown..do NOT get to fall apart.."
~..just need someone to hold me when i cry,
and let me cry without saying a word
that is more than enough..~
~i'm not good, but i want to be better~
WE aRE GOD dEvInE dEsIGn...HE DoEs NoT mAkE MistAkE...d0Nt gEt cAuGht uP iN wAnTiNg 0r TrYinG t0 bE LikE s0mEoNE eLsE... EvErYoNe iS gIfTed iN dIfFerEnT wAyS...L0vE bEiNg YoU...As I LoVe BeInG mE!!~~WeLcOmE tO mY pErSoNaL bLoG~~!!